Studies for Dualight® Targeted Phototherapy
An open labeled, comparative clinical study on efficacy and tolerability of oral minipulse of steroid (OMP) alone, OMP with PUVA and broad / narrow band UVB phototherapy in progressive vitiligo.
The present study was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of a targeted narrowband ultraviolet B (NBUVB) device in vitiligo.
Materials and Methods:
A total of 40 patients of vitiligo were treated with a targeted NBUVB device twice-weekly for a maximum of 30 sessions or until 100% repigmentation, whichever was reached first. The extent of repigmentation achieved was assessed and adverse effects, if any, were also noted down.
A comparative study for the short‑term effects of targeted high‑intensity UVB and narrow‑band UVB in the treatment of vitiligo
There are numerous studies employing different targeted UVB devices, namely the 308-nm xenon chloride (XeCl) excimer laser (3–13) and other targeted UVB light sources, such as monochromatic excimer light (MEL) (14), microphototherapy (15, 16), and our own report using a targeted broadband UVB (BB-UVB) system (DuaLightTM) (17), and excellent repigmentation of more than 75% has been observed. Read more >>
The patented design of the square handpiece aperture allows for the treatment of contiguous skin segments, without exposing neighboring, healthy skin. This design also allows for the delivery of high dose UV light which has been shown to reduce the total number of treatment sessions required. Read more >>
Phototherapy is one of the most important therapeutic modalities in dermatology. This field has seen several major advances in the recent years, the most recent being targeted phototherapy.
Targeted phototherapy, which includes laser and nonlaser technologies, delivers light/laser in the ultraviolet spectrum, of specifi c wavelength, specifi cally targeted at the affected skin
and thereby avoids many of the side effects of conventional phototherapy. Read more>>
The Dualight UVA / UVB NB is based on the concept of selective phototherapy, where the therapeutic dose is delivered directly to the diseased tissue without exposure to the surrounding healthy skin. This targeted approach allows to dispense a dose considerably higher than that of UV rays that can be supplied from the normal UV cabins. As a result it is obtained that the cumulative dose required for the remission of the disease may be delivered in a fewer sessions. Read more >>
How does it work?
The DuaLight emits high-intensity ultraviolet light from a high pressure mercury vapour arc lamp. The UV light is transmitted through high precision optics to provide optimal UVA and UVB spectra output. Therapeutic UVA light with peaks at 335nm and 365nm for optimal psoralen absorption. Therapeutic UVB light with peaks at 302nm and 312nm ensure high efficacy for rapid disease resolution. Read more >>
Phototherapy is one of the safest and most effective treatments for psoriasis. Traditional UV phototherapy usually involves nearly full-body exposure to UV light. Read more >>
Fifteen patients with GA (n = 5), DF (n = 4) and SC (n = 6) were enrolled in the study. The mean age in the groups was 62, 35 and 44 years with a mean duration of disease of 2, 8 and 18 years, respectively. The predominant skin phototype was III (range II–VI). Read more >>
Targeted phototherapy, also called concentrated phototherapy, focused phototherapy and microphototherapy, involves delivery of ultraviolet radiation directly focused on, or targeted at, the skin lesion through special delivery mechanisms.
The term ‘targeted phototherapy’ includes laser and nonlaser technologies. Read more >>
Conventional UV phototherapy of psoriasis is one of the safest and most effective treatments for severe psoriasis. Targeted UV phototherapy can also be used to treat localized psoriasis, and this approach offers clearing with fewer treatments as higher doses can be used initially on the psoriasis than can be used on normal skin. Read more >>
This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of DuaLight(TM) therapy for treating localized vitiligo and we wanted to determine the clinical parameters that could affect the therapeutic outcome. METHODS: Eighty-three lesions from thirty-eight patients were treated by using DuaLight(TM) once or twice a week. The repigmentation grade of each treated lesion was evaluated on a 5-point scale from 0 (no repigmentation), 1 (1~24%), 2 (25~49%), 3 (50~74%), to 4 (75~100%). Read more >>
An apparatus containing a BB-UVB lamp (290–320 nm) with a peak irradiance between 310 and 315 nm (BClear™, Lumenis, San Jose, CA, USA) is effective for plaque-type psoriasis. Read more >>
These two comparative studies suggest that the treatment with laser on MEL 308 nm may allow repigmentation within a shorter period of time, as compared to NB-UVB phototherapy, together with circuscribed exposure to the irradiation. Read more >>
Phototherapy is one of the safest and most effective treatments for psoriasis. Traditional UV phototherapy usually involves full-body exposure to UV light. Twenty-five to 30 treatment sessions or more may be required to produce > 90% clearance. Read more >>